Application areas of platinum shield sheet metal processing


Sheet metal processing refers to changing the shape and size of sheet metal to make it suitable for use anywhere. Sheet metal can be processed in many ways, including stamping, cutting, cutting, etc., to change the properties and shape of the metal. The use of this processing technology can bring a lot of convenience to people's lives, and also promote the development of China's machinery manufacturing industry.


There are many products in life that use sheet metal processing to realize their value. As small as a door and a stainless steel window. Also in recent years, sheet metal processing is now moving in a large-scale direction. Advanced and efficient sheet metal processing techniques are used in the automotive and shipbuilding industries as well as in various large processing plants.
    With the rapid development of the national economy and the growing machinery manufacturing industry, the development prospect of sheet metal processing is very good, and it can be used more in the future. Its demand is also growing. Today, what the sheet metal processing industry needs to do is to continuously improve its own technical level, enhance its innovation ability, and strive to introduce advanced production equipment and expand production scale.


For the sheet metal processing industry, it is more important to realize the standardization and institutionalization of operation, formulate a strict development plan, and formulate a feasible development plan. Strive to build your own sheet metal brand, and don't rely too much on the labels of foreign brands, which is very unfavorable to your own development. To truly grow, we must continue to grow our brand and achieve scale.
    Cutting speed: usually by increasing the laser power to increase the cutting speed. The laser power density of communication equipment sheet metal is not only related to the laser output power, but also related to the beam quality mode and the characteristics of the beam focusing system.
    Focus position: First, determine which lens length to choose, then determine the relative position of the focus relative to the workpiece surface to ensure the quality of the cut. The slit is smallest and most effective when the focal point is at the {zj0} position.
    Assist Gas Pressure: Assist gas is used for cutting operations. With assist gas, the cutting speed can be increased by one-third to one-half.
    Workpiece characteristics: This mainly involves two aspects of material surface reflectivity and material surface state. Poor surface condition of the material will affect the absorption rate of the material surface.

The above is the introduction of the application field of Guangzhou platinum shield sheet metal processing.
