How to ensure the quality of sheet metal parts


Common sense of sheet metal processing: how to ensure the quality of sheet metal parts? Sheet metal parts generally have the characteristics of small batches, many varieties, and convenient circulation of new products, and can be produced according to different requirements of customers. Generally speaking, they do not have a fixed production pattern. Therefore, in some sheet metal processing and production plants, it is difficult to effectively control the quality of sheet metal parts. The most important thing is that there is no specific process, below are some tips on how to ensure the quality of sheet metal processing, which will effectively ensure the quality of your production and processing.


1Common sense of sheet metal processing: how to ensure the quality of sheet metal parts? Sheet metal parts generally have the characteristics of small batches, many varieties, and convenient circulation of new products, and can be produced according to different requirements of customers. Generally speaking, they do not have a fixed production pattern. Therefore, in some sheet metal processing and production plants, it is difficult to effectively control the quality of sheet metal parts. The most important thing is that there is no specific process, below are some tips on how to ensure the quality of sheet metal processing, which will effectively ensure the quality of your production and processing....

 2. After the above steps are completed, CNC blanking will be performed. When blanking, the specified raw materials should be selected, and then all searches and inspections should be performed on the first piece. When blanking, the dimensions should be checked. In mass production, all first pieces should pass search and inspection, followed by subsequent operations.

3. When bending, half of the bending direction and bending size should be determined. If there are too many materials or lack of materials, mediation shall be conducted in a timely manner. After confirmation, mass production will take place. Then, during production, the mold should be changed and the process tested again

4. The quality inspection of the processed sheet metal parts is carried out, the size of the sheet metal parts is sampled, and then inspected by the appearance manager, the products of different grids are returned, and the inspection report is filled out.
