Sheet metal bending factory analysis sheet metal in the manufacturing process should have the ability of flexible production, process design ability and close processing and manufacturing ability. Sheet metal parts are actually parts processed by means of stamping, bending, stretching, etc., that is, parts with constant thickness during the entire processing process, also known as thin-plate hardware.
1. Formulate a scientific and effective CNC sheet metal processing process route:
Whether the sheet metal process route is scientific or not will directly affect the quality of CNC sheet metal processing; the scientific and effective CNC sheet metal processing process routes are as follows:
1. Process the datum first, that is, "datum first", which can provide a precise reference for the subsequent processes.
2. For surfaces with relatively high processing quality, the processing period should be divided, usually it can be divided into three periods of roughing, semi-finishing and finishing to ensure the processing quality, and to be able to find and solve problems in time.

3. After the first hole, mainly for parts such as the box, bracket and connecting rod, this can ensure the azimuth accuracy of the plane and the hole, and bring convenience to processing.
2. Effectively master the technical types of CNC sheet metal processing:
CNC sheet metal processing technology is not a single operation technology, the common types of CNC sheet metal processing technology are:
1. Laser shock technology: The laser beam impacts the metal surface in the form of pulses, thereby forming a plane wave, which in turn can cause plastic deformation of the material.

2. Plastic forming technology: This technology can be divided into three categories: fine-grained plasticity, phase-transformation plasticity and other plastics; one of them is widely used, but it has certain requirements, mainly equiaxed fine-grained structure. The processing of sheet metal requires different profiles, such as cold-rolled brass, copper, aluminum, aluminum, stainless steel, etc. Different profiles have different functions, which can be selected according to your own needs. Sheet metal processing will require special processes. The processing equipment achieves the effect we want.